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  • Welcome to the Los Santos Police Department

    The LSPD is charged with keeping the City of Los Santos safe and secure. The LSPD strives to maintain a peaceful environment for those who live and work within City lines by enforcing the laws and regulations of Los Santos and San Andreas. This is made possible by the wholehearted dedication and commitment that the LSPD’s Officers demonstrate each and every day. The LSPD Administration and people of Los Santos thank you for choosing to be a part of this brave and honorable family. Below you will find some important links with information that helps our department run efficiently and a general outline of the duties of an Officer.

  • Duties of an Officer

    As an Officer in the Los Santos Police Department, your duties vary and are an important asset when it comes to public safety. Your job, while on duty and equally while off duty, consists of being a peacekeeper, a mentor, a public servant and a role model. During patrol, you will perform various duties, from traffic stops and running radar to handling pursuits and other duties that will test your patience and resolve. Officers of the LSPD are tasked with enforcing all Los Santos and San Andreas laws within the City Limits of Los Santos. At all times, an Officer of the Los Santos Police Department is to follow the law and to enforce the law at all times while in-service.

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    Police Administration

    Chief of Police - Vacant
    Assistant Chief of Police - Vacant

    Deputy Chief of Police - Vacant
    Police Commander - Vacant

    Police Senior Staff

    Police Captain
    Police Lieutenant

    Police Staff

    Sergeant III
    Sergeant II
    Sergeant I

    Police Staff in Training

    Corporal II
    Corporal I

    Police Officers

    Senior Lead Officer
    Senior Police Officer
    Police Officer III
    Police Officer II
    Police Officer I
    Probationary Police Officer

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